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Domestic Lithium: What The US Government is Doing to Increase Supply

Join us to hear from a panel of experts on how the US is advancing domestic lithium production and the expected impacts this will have on lithium-ion battery market trends.

Resilient Power Funding Programs: Building the Foundation for Energy Resilient Communities – 2022 Annual Impact Report

This report outlines the impacts of CEG’s 2022 grantmaking through the Technical Assistance Fund and the Resilient Power Leadership Initiative. The report covers the programs’ projects, partnerships, and lessons learned.

Energy Storage for Peak Demand Reduction: A New Incentive Program by Efficiency Maine

In this CESA webinar, speakers from Efficiency Maine will review the program incentives, eligibility and application process. They will also discuss a new rate available in Central Maine Power service territory that when combined with a battery system can reduce a commercial facility’s demand costs without changes to operations.

NC Utilities Commission Approves New Innovative, Inclusive Statewide Energy Efficiency Program

Battery Decommissioning, Recycling, and Reuse

Presenters will discuss how to plan ahead for battery decommissioning, explain the state of the battery recycling industry, and address possibilities for reuse of partly-expended EV batteries in stationary storage applications.

Predevelopment Funding for LMI Solar and Storage Projects: A Case Study from New York

NYSERDA’s Affordable Solar and Storage Predevelopment and Technical Assistance program in New York State is successfully addressing the predevelopment challenge for solar and storage projects for low- and moderate-income residents.