Resilient Power Leadership Initiative
Building community-based capacity for more energy resilient communities.
Many community-based organizations face internal capacity and resource constraints, particularly when it comes to complex, resource-intensive activities like advancing energy initiatives.
The Resilient Power Leadership Initiative (RPLI) aims to address this capacity gap by helping to seed long-term, community-led programs that further advance energy equity and environmental justice. Through this initiative, RPLI funds, typically $10,000 for one year, are awarded to BIPOC-led (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) nonprofit organizations working in the areas of environmental justice, energy equity, and sustainability. Funding recipients use the awards to develop local resilient power awareness and implementation strategies in their communities.

Who We Serve
The Resilient Power Leadership Initiative supports nonprofit community-based organizations in their efforts to build more resilient communities. Past RPLI awardees have implemented solar+storage workforce trainings, developed/expanded upon resilient power programs, and advocated for more inclusive and equitable solar and energy storage policies. Read more about our RPLI recipients.
Project Impact
$220,000 awarded to 22 community-based organizations, located across the country.
Since 2020, 100% of RPLI funds have been awarded to BIPOC-led organizations.
RPLI awardees have developed solar+storage training programs, built organizational programs that advance resilient power in their community, and developed workshops for resilient power awareness building to their membership. Learn more about past and current awardees here.
Project Partners
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Photo Credits, top to bottom: Clean Energy Group; Queen Shabazz, UPAL; Queen Shabazz, UPAL.