Upcoming Webinars

An Assessment of Equity in Massachusetts’ Energy Storage Programs

October 8, 2024

CEG contracted with the Applied Economics Clinic to provide an analysis of the equity provisions in three Massachusetts energy storage programs. In this webinar, report authors will discuss their findings and share examples from other states with model equity provisions that could be adapted and applied to the statewide programs in Massachusetts.

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Sharing Solar Benefits with Multifamily Renters: A Mississippi Case Study

October 30, 2024

This webinar will dive into a pioneering multifamily solar project in Jackson, Mississippi that implemented an innovative technology solution to provide direct benefits to apartment residents who have historically been left out of the clean energy transition.

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Expanding Clean Energy Access and Benefits: Award-Winning Programs in Connecticut and Maryland

November 19, 2024

This webinar will highlight two impressive and impactful state clean energy programs that were purposefully designed so that low- and moderate-income households can not only participate in clean energy programs, but also benefit financially from them. The Connecticut Green Bank’s Green Liberty Notes Program provides small-dollar investors with the opportunity to support and benefit from…

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Archived Webinar Recordings

DOE’s Regional Hydrogen Hubs: Climate Solution, or Climate Disaster?

January 18, 2024

Panelists from Pipeline Safety Trust and the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis will explain why climate scientists and technical experts are concerned about the technical and financial viability of current plans for hydrogen expansion.

Environmental Justice Strategies for Hydrogen Opposition

December 15, 2022

This Clean Energy Group webinar will provide an overview of some environmental justice concerns that should be considered when evaluating any hydrogen proposal. Speakers from Western Environmental Law Center and Ohio River Valley Institute will present on their work pushing back against misinformed hydrogen proposals in the Ohio River Valley and New Mexico in coalition with local communities and environmental justice advocates.

Exploring Europe’s Approach to Using Offshore Wind for Green Hydrogen Production

November 9, 2021

CESA’s new report provides an overview of the plans, strategies, proposals, and challenges for the development of green hydrogen from offshore wind generation in Europe. In this webinar, report author Val Stori and report contributor Lee Wilkinson will discuss European green hydrogen policies, the regulatory environment, and the rationale for using European offshore wind for hydrogen.

How Green is Blue Hydrogen?: Study Finds Hydrogen Produced with CCS Produces High Emissions

September 7, 2021

A new ground-breaking, peer-reviewed study determined that blue hydrogen results in significantly higher emissions than burning natural gas or coal for heat and found that the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of blue hydrogen are only marginally better than gray hydrogen.




Webinar Years