Upcoming Webinars

Energy Storage for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

July 30, 2024

States are increasingly adopting ambitious clean energy and climate goals, which will require both renewable generation and energy storage technologies. This webinar will feature two different state approaches to reducing emissions with energy storage.

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Department of Energy, Equitable Solar Communities of Practice Community Convening: Resilience, Storage, and Grid Benefits

August 5, 2024

Join CEG for an interactive 2-hour session exploring the best practices, opportunities, and obstacles in advancing resilient power – solar PV paired with battery storage (solar+storage) – in historically marginalized communities.

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Community-Led Solar in Boston: Lessons Learned from a Pilot Project

August 13, 2024

In this webinar, hosted by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), guest speakers from Energy Allies and the Boston Community Solar Cooperative (BCSC) will discuss their adaptable model for community-led solar. The BCSC grew out of a grassroots coalition of individuals, businesses and nonprofits organizing for an equitable transition to a clean energy economy in Boston’s Environmental Justice Communities. Energy Allies supported the formation of BCSC as a community-led, community-benefiting organization.

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California’s Flexible Demand Appliance Standards for Pool Controls Program – Employing Load Shifting to Lower Peak Demand and Avoid Emissions

August 15, 2024

In 2023, the California Energy Commission (CEC) created the first-in-the-world flexible demand appliance standard for residential swimming pool controls. In this CESA webinar, guest speakers from the CEC will present their award-winning Flexible Demand Appliance Standards for Pool Controls program, featuring CEC Commissioner Andrew McAllister.

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Batteries 101, Part 4: Municipal Considerations for Battery Energy Storage in Massachusetts

September 12, 2024

In this webinar, panelists will discuss the municipal planning process for battery storage projects in Massachusetts. Experts will provide an overview of the current landscape for energy storage permitting and siting. They will discuss sizing and zoning considerations, equity and environmental considerations for siting energy storage projects, and best practices for municipalities.

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Archived Webinar Recordings

Batteries 101, Part 3: Safety and Environmental Considerations for Battery Energy Storage in Massachusetts

July 11, 2024

In a special, Massachusetts-focused webinar series by CEG and CESA, experts answer your questions about energy storage. This third installment will address fire codes, environmental considerations, and security considerations that municipalities and planners should explore when designing a battery storage project in their communities.

Batteries 101, Part 2: Benefits and Applications of Battery Energy Storage in Massachusetts

May 30, 2024

In a special, Massachusetts-focused webinar series by CEG and CESA, experts answer your questions about energy storage. This second webinar in the series covers battery storage benefits and applications.

Energy Storage Interconnection – Challenges and Solutions

May 21, 2024

Energy storage projects face unique operational attributes that are often not well accounted for in current interconnection processes, and this can lead to storage projects facing undue burdens that may ultimately cause them to become uneconomical. In this webinar, policy experts examined the problem and discussed new initiatives designed to address interconnection challenges.

Batteries 101, Part 1: An Introduction to Energy Storage and Massachusetts’ Battery Storage Programs and Policies

May 15, 2024

In a special, Massachusetts-focused webinar series by CEG and CESA, experts will answer your questions about energy storage. This first webinar in the series will cover battery storage basics and available incentives.

Battery Storage for Fossil-Fueled Peaker Power Plant Replacement: A Maine Case Study

April 30, 2024

Speakers from Strategen and CESA discussed a new analysis which shows that battery storage can cost effectively replace aging fossil-fueled peaker power plants in New England.

Energy Storage and Offshore Wind: Unlocking a Critical Piece of the Clean Energy Puzzle  

March 15, 2024

In this CESA webinar, panelists will discuss the economic, technology, and policy considerations of pairing energy storage with offshore wind.

State of the U.S. Energy Storage Industry: 2023 Year in Review

January 29, 2024

Our annual lookback at the year in energy storage covers advances in the U.S. market, including deployment trends, policy and regulatory updates, market rules and FERC compliance; the state of the art in energy storage technologies; and the market outlook for the coming years.

Domestic Lithium: What The US Government is Doing to Increase Supply

October 10, 2023

Join us to hear from a panel of experts on how the US is advancing domestic lithium production and the expected impacts this will have on lithium-ion battery market trends.

Energy Storage for Peak Demand Reduction: A New Incentive Program by Efficiency Maine

September 28, 2023

In this CESA webinar, speakers from Efficiency Maine will review the program incentives, eligibility and application process. They will also discuss a new rate available in Central Maine Power service territory that when combined with a battery system can reduce a commercial facility’s demand costs without changes to operations.

The Energy Storage Interconnection Bottleneck

May 23, 2023

Panelists from Applied Economics Clinic, Green Mountain Power, NYSERDA, and Albuquerque Public Schools will discuss the barriers to more effective and efficient interconnection of distributed energy storage resources.




Webinar Years