Todd Olinsky-Paul

Resilient Power Project Case Study – Sterling Municipal Light Department

A small municipal utility installed a battery storage system to compliment an existing solar electric system for cost savings and resilient power. This case study includes technical and financial details, as well as lessons learned over the course of the project.

Comments of Clean Energy Group on MA DPU 17-146, Eligibility of Energy Storage Systems to Net Meter

Clean Energy Group submitted comments to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities regarding the treatment of behind-the-meter energy storage and NEM systems that are engaged, or wish to engage in net energy metering (NEM).

Comments of Clean Energy Group on MA DOER Energy Storage Target Docket

Clean Energy Group submitted comments to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources as part of the pending rulemaking docket regarding whether to set a utility energy storage mandate or target, and at what size.

Green Mountain Power (GMP): Significant Revenues from Energy Storage

Green Mountain Power’s Stafford Hill microgrid, a 4MW/3.4 MWh battery energy system integrated with solar generation in western Vermont, exemplifies the multiple uses and significant revenue potential of advanced energy storage combined with solar PV in a microgrid configuration, behind a utility meter.

Solar+Storage for Low- and Moderate-Income Communities: A Guide for States and Municipalities

The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) has produced a new report for states and municipalities on solar+storage for low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities. The report explains how solar+storage can benefit LMI residents and describes a variety of policy tools for doing so.

The Value Proposition for Energy Storage at the Sterling Municipal Light Department

This report presents the economic case for the Sterling Municipal Light Department’s energy storage system. It was published by Sandia National Laboratories, with support from Clean Energy Group.

Comments to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources Regarding Whether to Adopt Targets for a Utility Energy Storage Mandate

Clean Energy Group submitted these comments to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources in support of its consideration to adopt targets for a binding energy storage utility procurement mandate.

Does Energy Storage Fit in an RPS?

This is an updated version of a report originally published in 2014. This paper explores the question of how states, which have taken the lead in promoting clean energy through Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), could facilitate increased deployment of energy storage.

What States Should Do: A Guide to Resilient Power Programs and Policy

This report profiles the leading state programs and makes recommendations for what other states can do to support the deployment of clean, resilient power systems. A summary for policymakers is also available.

Distributed Energy Storage: A Case for National and International Collaboration

In this concept note, Clean Energy Group proposes the creation of national and international networks around the next generation of clean energy innovation: combining energy storage with small-scale clean energy generation at the customer level.