Seth Mullendore
This fact sheet contains some additional background information on demand charges and the relationship and interaction between demand charge expenses and energy storage.
A new analysis finds that energy storage can effectively hedge against proposed changes to California’s solar policies and utility rates that could drastically reduce the value of solar.
Clean Energy Group submitted these comments to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources in support of its consideration to adopt targets for a binding energy storage utility procurement mandate.
The IRS recently issued a notice, 2015-70, for comments on how the federal investment tax credit (ITC) should cover solar and storage systems. Clean Energy Group submitted comments that strongly support the eligibility of storage under the ITC.
This report concludes that with the right market structures and incentives, solar+storage systems can provide a positive economic return on par with energy efficiency or stand-alone solar.
Despite the fact that energy storage technologies have the capacity to benefit every segment of the power system, from generation to end-use, it can still be difficult to cost effectively deploy storage across much of the U.S.
“Solar + Storage 101: An Introductory Guide to Resilient Solar Power Systems” provides a basic overview of a versatile and increasingly affordable resilient power technology.
In this concept note, Clean Energy Group proposes the creation of national and international networks around the next generation of clean energy innovation: combining energy storage with small-scale clean energy generation at the customer level.
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Comments of Clean Energy Group on MA DOER Energy Storage Target Docket
Clean Energy Group submitted comments to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources as part of the pending rulemaking docket regarding whether to set a utility energy storage mandate or target, and at what size.