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CESA Webinar: Solarize Connecticut – Program Results and Secrets of Success

Join us for a webinar where you will hear firsthand how Solarize, a remarkable group purchasing residential solar program, is transforming the residential solar landscape in Connecticut.

CESA/NEESC Webinar: Distributed Wind Technology for Hydrogen Production

The Clean Energy States Alliance and the Northeast Electrochemical Energy Storage Cluster (NEESC) are hosting an upcoming webinar on distributed wind technology for hydrogen production.

RPS Collaborative Webinar: Renewable Thermal in RPS

The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) is hosting an upcoming webinar on renewable thermal in RPS for CESA’s State-Federal RPS Collaborative.

OWAP Webinar: Maine Offshore Wind Milestones

Please join us for an update on the milestones the University of Maine’s pilot-scale and demonstration offshore wind projects have achieved in the last few months and the University’s next steps as it works on securing power purchase agreements and awaits a funding decision from the U.S. Department of Energy for its demonstration project off of Monhegan Island. Guest speakers are Jeff Thaler and Habib Dagher from the University of Maine.

CESA Webinar: Solar Maps as Tools for Advancing Solar Energy

This webinar will highlight cutting-edge map-based tools that have been developed in the District of Columbia, New York, and Ohio. These maps can serve as good models for other states and communities. The webinar will focus primarily on maps that show the potential suitability of installing solar on particular buildings within a community. Such maps can help building owners and solar installers know whether a building may be suitable for a solar installation. The maps reduce the transaction costs involved with solar development and save building owners from wasting time pursuing infeasible projects.

ESTAP Webinar: Connecticut and Massachusetts Discuss Upcoming Solicitations for Resilient Power and Microgrids

The Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) will be holding a webinar on February 13, 2014.