Energy Storage Webinar: Federal Regulatory Energy Storage Policy

January 25, 2012 @ 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

In late 2011, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Order 755, which directs grid operators – the ISOs – to compensate resources that provide frequency regulation of the grid based on their efficiency and efficacy. In some cases, this will mean a larger role for storage devices – such as batteries and flywheels – in lieu of traditional generators. In this webinar, we will review the federal regulatory landscape for energy storage, specifically FERC Order 755, FERC Order 890 (which directs ISOs/RTOs to develop tariffs, market rules, and control algorithms and to open markets for new technologies that provide ancillary services), and other aspects of FERC treatment of energy storage and how these affect ISOs, energy storage device owners, and energy storage technology manufacturers.

This webinar is part of a series exploring the national and state landscape for energy storage as part of Clean Energy States Alliance’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership with the DOE Energy Storage Systems Program.

Speakers include:

  • Dr. Imre Gyuk, Manager, DOE Energy Storage Systems Program
  • Dr. Bob Hellrich-Dawson, Economist, FERC
  • Ruston Ogburn, Sr. Lead Engineer, PJM Interconnection
  • Eric Hsieh, Regulatory Affairs Manager, A123 Systems
  • Praveen Kathpal, VP of Market and Regulatory Affairs, AES Energy Storage