Solar Consumer Protection

Panelists from SEIA, Consumers Union, and CESA presented their perspectives on solar consumer protection and discussed the work their organizations are doing to ensure that distributed PV remains consumer friendly.

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Advice for States on Providing Solar Information to Consumers

This webinar provided an overview of CESA’s new guide for state program managers on providing solar information to consumers. The guide explains why states should provide consumer information on solar, describes the types of information that can be useful, and points out existing educational efforts by states and other entities that provide models and useful resource information.

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Energy Storage in Massachusetts: What the Study Said, and What’s Next

Massachusetts leapt to the forefront of state energy storage policy with its recently released study, “State of Charge.” In this webinar, hosted by CESA’s Energy Storage Technical Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), panelists explained the study’s results and discussed what’s next as the state rolls out a host of new energy storage policy and program initiatives.

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Northeast Ocean Planning and Offshore Wind

This webinar, hosted by Clean Energy Group for the Northeast Wind Resource Center, highlights the Northeast Ocean Plan and Rhode Island’s Ocean Special Area Management Plan and the public processes leading to comprehensive ocean management regulations that protect ocean resources and activities.

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