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OWAP Webinar: Offshore Wind – Lessons from Europe

Mike Hay (Xodus Group) and Cathryn Hooper (Source Low Carbon) provided an overview of Europe’s offshore wind industry developments and important lessons that the U.S. can take from UK experiences. In addition, the presenters discussed offshore wind siting issues.

Energy Storage Webinar: New Markets and Business Models

In this webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group for the Resilient Power Project, guest speakers Judith Judson from Customized Energy Solutions, Matthew Hamilton from Energy Surety Partners and Tom Leyden from Solar Grid Storage discussed new third-party battery storage business models that can reduce or eliminate first costs to renewable generators, while providing all the benefits of energy storage.

RPS Webinar: Cost and Technology Projections for Solar and Wind

For those who were unable to attend the National Summit on RPS in early November, we are going to repeat two well-received presentations from the Summit.

Results of the New York RPS Program Review

Doreen Harris and Carl Mas of NYSERDA discussed New York’s RPS program review’s methodology and findings.

OWAP Webinar: Why Offshore Wind in the Southeast?

The webinar will present a recap and highlights from the recent Southeastern Coastal Wind Conference in Charleston, SC.